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Babcock & Brown Law Offices

The Design Challenge:

The designer’s vision for this signature reception space 

combined a massive scale simulating large building blocks 

with the soft tempering of a warming luminescence.

A combination of multicolored flat and curved panels

with reveals and flush joints delivered a realistic yet

fanciful portrayal of giant stacked masonry cubes that

convey power and comfort simultaneously.



Working in collaboration with the designer, the millwork

and the general contractor LightBlocks designed a 

multi-layer custom color panel with a rabbet edge detail. 

The joint detail not only facilitated the design, creating the 

appearance of the grouted joints, this detail also became 

the primary structural element to support the panels on 

the wall.

Thermoformed panels were used for the curved portion

of the wall. Reveals were eliminated where panels

joined at corners to create the illusion of a solid cube.

The oversized panels were field trimmed, and then

LIGHTBLOCKS provided in-field finishing to complete the 

durable surface for the wall.

Project:  Babcock & Brown Law Offices

Location:  The Presidio, San Francisco, CA

Designer:  Smith Group, San Francisco, CA

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